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The Home Decluttering Diet

    The Home Decluttering Diet


    Jennifer Lifford


    Put Your House on a Diet for Long-Term Results If you’re sick of the clutter around your home and can’t find any organization systems that work for you, it’s time to put your house on a diet. Starting with a 30-day home detox to quickly shed some of that excess weight, you will gain the confidence, motivation and skills needed to create your ideal healthy home. With the option to pick and choose projects based on your specific goals, you will learn to change your bad habits and transform your house into the happier, more organized and inspired home that you desire. This comprehensive, step-by-step guide shows you how to organize your home month-by-month and room-by-room to achieve and maintain a lasting, clutter-free lifestyle. Drawing on experiences in her own home, Jennifer Lifford developed these distinct and effective techniques that do more than just declutter—you will learn how to change your habits for good without feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Simply follow the exercises in the plans such as Shedding the Pounds and Building Strength to develop the techniques needed for permanent clutter loss and a forever organized home. The Home Decluttering Diet is complete with organization guides, checklists, tips for getting the whole family involved and simple DIYs to provide you with practical storage solutions that are easily maintainable. Create the lifestyle you want and get your home and belongings in tip-top shape today!



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